What is Green Mark Certification?

BCA Green Mark

It evaluates the building’s environmental impact and its performance. This certification process was launched in 2005 by BCA (Building & Construction Authority). The leading cause of this certification is to decrease the environmental impact caused by buildings.

Recently BCA launched the “Green Mark 2021” scheme aligned with United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals.

BCA incorporates 20 levels of approval processes from design, piling, construction, occupation, and completion phases to attain the Green Mark Certification.

Building Control Act April 2008 made Green mark certification mandatory for all new and existing buildings in Singapore. 

To learn more, check out this video.

Validity of Green Mark Certification:

It is valid up to 3 years from the issued date. So you have to renew it before its expiration

Why do you need to apply for Green Mark Certification?

Helps to reduce the environmental impact.

Improves the indoor environmental quality for a healthy life.

Adds value to the building in the real estate market

Encourages to reduce the energy, water, and material consumption

It boosts the value of your building when you rent, lease or resale it.

What are the types of green mark certification?

BCA Green Mark RatingsScore/Points
Green Mark Platinum 90 and above
Green Mark Gold Plus85 to <90
Green Mark  Gold75 to <85
Green Mark Certificate50 to <75

Green Mark 2021:

GM: 2021 is the international certification scheme that imposes rules and regulations for new buildings to protect the environment and was launched in April 2021.

GM: 2021 was revised to achieve the “Singapore Green Plan 2030” mission to make the country a better place for a healthier life.

2021 framed with the following criteria:

By 2020, over 4,000 building projects got green mark standards. It covers about 123 million sqm, which is 43% of Singapore’s total building stock.

BCA aims to make 80% of all commercial buildings by 2030.

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